I'm getting really frickin' tired of all these people who think that just because they're living better than me they can talk down their noses at me and my husband-just because we don't have half as much money as we do. So what? We don't have a 3 figure salary. So what? What's it to you? Have I bothered you by being poor? Have I bothered you because we can't afford that nice big plasma screen television that you bought with the extra money you had just 'laying around' while sometimes we don't know where our next meal is coming from, or what we're gonna do from one day to the next? I'm terribly sorry that my husband and I cannot afford the ugly $500 pair of shoes that you bought to wear to the fancy shmancy gala that you were at for half an hour, wearing a suit and dress and jewelry that cost more money than we make in a year. I'm sorry that we cannot afford to buy the all natural organic food that you nonchalantly throw in your buggy without a second thought to how much it is and what you'll have to give up to buy that 100% all natural, organic piece of garbage that I can grow in my backyard for FREE. I'm not doing you any harm by being in poverty. I'm not harming you, so leave me and my husband alone. You say you donate to charities to help the poor people. Don't you know that in the Bible, the woman who gave the least got the biggest reward? You're nothing but a bigot, get your head out of your butt and get over yourself. Quickly. Nobody cares about you and your snobby way, your 500 dollar jeans, your 300 dollar shoes and your 60 dollar haircut. Not even me.
End of Story.
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