It's been a few days since I've last posted. Nothing really has been going on, other than the normal day-to-day things. I heard a sermon online a couple of months ago about what a good wife is according to the Word of God. I have some things to say about that.
My husband is my best friend, my confidant. With us being a Christian, God-Fearing family, we believe and know that he is also the spiritual and physical head of the household; according to what the Bible says. The woman is to be the help-mate to the husband, the weaker vessel. I'm not saying that women are by no means weak-women can be just as strong as a man in some areas. Lets face it though. Women were not born as physically strong as men. I'm a strong woman, intellectually and emotionally. My husband is the brawn in this marriage. He takes care of things that need to be taken care of as far as it comes down to strength-lifting things, carrying things, etc. I take care of my husband's needs, as a good Godly woman ought to. I do the majority of the shopping for the household, but my husband comes with me and carries the groceries. I respect his authority. I never do anything without consulting him first-ie: I wouldn't buy something costly without his opinion. He wouldn't buy something costly without consulting me. He has the final say-so, according to what the Bible teaches. He fixes things, he protects his house spiritually and protects me physically. He is the epitome of what a good Christian man is towards his wife. Jesus is at the head of our marriage, my husband is the head of me. By no means does he tell me what to do, by no means is he the boss of me. The only Master I serve is Jesus. But as long as I am alive and breathing, I am here to take care of my husband. A lot of women want to boss their husband around, telling him to do this and to do that-making him stay at home all day long taking care of the house while she goes out and works, being the breadwinner. Nothing wrong with that at all, if your husband is disabled or works from home. There's also nothing wrong with a woman having to go out and work, as long as it's absolutely necessary for her to do such-to bring extra income in to make her husband more comfortable in his castle. But while she's home with him, she needs to care for him, put herself second to her husbands needs. The Lord smiles on a woman who cares so deeply about her husband. For example, when my husband would come home after a long hard day, I would have his dinner just about ready to put in front of him. I would have his "relax" clothes ready for him, the house cleaned up, smelling lovely. I would always greet him with a smile, a kiss, and if he requested, a cold drink. While he was eating or after he was done, I would rub his feet to relax him. He brought the money home, and was on his feet all day long, so it was my pleasure to make him feel as comfortable as possible once he got home from being on his feet all day at work to make sure He and I had everything we needed. To add to that though-if I had a hard day, he would (and still does) the same thing for me.
My point being, women get confused when they hear how a woman is to honor, obey and cherish her husband. Obey isn't "get in there and get me a sandwich". Obey is respect, as in "Sweetheart, would you please make me a sandwich? I'm awful hungry." "Yes precious." "Thank you." Women let men talk to them like they're slaves, because they think that's what the Bible meant. No, it's not. The Bible says that the husband is to treat the wife as himself, that the woman is to be the weaker sex towards the husband, and for the man to be the head of the house. Essentially, he is the gatekeeper protecting his flock-as Jesus protects us, his sheep.
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